مدرسة الثانوية الجديدة (ادارة ابوقرقاص)

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
مدرسة الثانوية الجديدة (ادارة ابوقرقاص)

منتدى للتعليم المجانى للمرحلة الثانويةالعامة (ادارة ابوقرقاص التعليمية)

    translation (ترجمة اولى)


    المساهمات : 33
    تاريخ التسجيل : 19/10/2009

    translation (ترجمة اولى) Empty translation (ترجمة اولى)

    مُساهمة  Admin الإثنين ديسمبر 28, 2009 11:55 pm

    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    1- Every year millions of people start learning a foreign language. Some people try at home with books and magazines. Some use radio or television programmers; others go to language classes
    B. Translate into English:
    -لقد نفذت الحكومة مشروعات هامة لرعاية الشباب و حمايته من الانحراف.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    2-Our deserts are one of the chief sources of wealth. If we give them due care we can increase our national income and solve many of our problems by increasing the cultivated land and constructing new industrial projects. New cities could grow up in these areas and lead to our economic development.
    B. Translate into English:
    -ينبغي أن تتعاون الحكومة و المواطنين بهدف الإقلال من معدل المواليد لن ذلك من أهم السبل لرفع مستوى المعيشة.

    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    3-Thanks to modern inventions, life has become easy. One can go from one place to another in a car, by train or by plane. Modern means of transport have made it possible to enjoy travel.
    B. Translate into English:
    -بدون السلام لا تزدهر الحضارة فالحرب تدمر كل ما حققه الإنسان من حضارة. ……………………………………………………………………………
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    4-A telephone is a mixed-blessing. Sometimes you get the wrong number and so you get angry. Some impolite people may disturb you while you are eating or even sleeping. Long ago people used pigeons to send messages. They were lucky.
    -A. Translate into English:
    - أصبحت المشاريع الصغيرة من أهم الوسائل للقضاء على مشكلة البطالة بين الشباب.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    5- The Egyptian monuments and museums attract millions of tourists from all over the world. We ought to exert more efforts to increase the number of tourists visiting Egypt nowadays.
    B. Translate into English:
    ستشهد القارة الافريقية السمراء حدثا رياضيا عالميا فريدا باستضافتها لكاس العالم لكرة القدم2010
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    6- Tourism is one of the most important sources of national income in several many countries.
    B. Translate into English:
    - المواطنة هى ان يتساوى ابناء الوطن الواحد فيما لهم من حقوق و ما عليهم من واجبات.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    7- The Arab scientists had great effect on the western culture.
    B. Translate into English:
    -يفتح حوار الديانات و الحضارات الباب لانهاء الفجوة بين الثقافة الشرقية و الغربية.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    8- The government gives great interest to the woman and provides education, jobs and medical and social welfare to them.
    B. Translate into English:
    مما لاشك فيه أن للتلوث اثار خطيرة على البيئة سواء كان ذلك للانسان او الحيوان او النبات.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    9- The government carries out a lot of industrial and agricultural projects in Upper Egypt to provide better jobs to citizens there.
    B. Translate into English:
    مقاومة الارهاب واجب قومي وديني.
    ……………………………………………………………………………-A. Translate into Arabic:
    10- Our heritage is very valuable so we should preserve the environment around us.
    B. Translate into English:
    تسعى الحكومة للقضاء على مشكلة البطالة وذلك بتوفير فرص عمل للشباب
    …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………-A. Translate into Arabic:
    11- Egypt has achieved great in industrial, educational and modern technology fields.
    B. Translate into English:
    تعتبر السياحة مصدرا من مصادر الدخل القومي ولذا علينا ان نجذب السياح الى مصر .
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    12- Consumers buy foods that genetic engineering doesn’t interfere because they think that they are healthier.
    B. Translate into English:
    تعتمد اى امة على شبابها فى تنفيذ المشروعات الصناعية والزراعية .
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    13- There is remarkable progress in open-heart surgery in Egypt.
    B. Translate into English:
    يقام مهرجان السياحة والتسوق فى مصر كل عام .
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    14- Traveling abroad has become easier than in the past with the favour of the remarkable progress in transport.
    B. Translate into English:
    يعتمد النجاح فى الحياة على الصبر والعمل الجاد
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    15- Getting out of the narrow valley and reclaiming the desert are the only hope in better life to next generations.
    B. Translate into English:
    يجب ان نطيع ونحترم والدينا والمعلمين لانهم يعلمونا الكثير عن الحياة.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    16- The Alexandria lighthouse was one of the world seven wonders but earthquakes destroyed it.
    B. Translate into English:
    نعيش الان عصر الكمبيوتر والانترنت والعولمة بمزاياها وعيوبها .
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    17- Many people say that they are too busy to go swimming or to play football. But they don't have to do special exercise to be fit. In this case, walking or even cleaning the house is just as good for them as practicing games.
    B. Translate into English:
    الحرية هى ان نعيش فى سلام وندع الاخرين يعيشون فى سلام.
    …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………-A. Translate into Arabic:
    18- Birth control and increasing production are the only way to overcome our recent economic problems.
    B. Translate into English:
    نأمل فى وضع حد للبطالة والامية والفقر.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    19- Illiteracy is considered a serious social illness that we have to abolish.
    B. Translate into English:
    تلعب الصحافة دورا هاما في تشكيل وعي الجماهير و تشكيل رأي عام فعال.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    20- Developing education has become one of the most important goals (aims) that Egypt tries to achieve.
    B. Translate into English:
    الإرهاب ليس الوسيلة المناسبة لفرض وجهات النظر ولكن الحوار الموضوعي هو الذي يؤدي إلى حلول مثالية لمشاكلنا في المجتمع.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    21- Sinai , is the land of discovery. It is the route to the Promised Land; where it is thought Osiris and the Pharaohs found gold. It was also where Moses witnessed the Burning Bush and the Bedouins camped near Crusader forts. Sinai is a meeting point of the three great religions at the crossroads of Africa and Asia.
    B. Translate into English:
    إن التدخين و التلوث من أهم أسباب انتشار الأمراض.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    22- Our goal is to reclaim the desert and build new cities and to change the Egyptian village into an active cell.
    B. Translate into English:
    لن يمكنا التغلب على مشاكلنا الاقتصادية ما لم نزيد الإنتاج و الصادرات.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    23- Sports and games strengthen our bodies and refresh our minds and teach us co-operation, patience and the love of one’s country.
    B. Translate into English:
    المواطن الصالح مستعد دائما لخدمة بلده و الموت من اجلها.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    24- The Nobel Prize is awarded yearly (annually) to who have done the most
    significant work in chemistry, physics, medicine and literature and to who have contributed to the cause of peace.
    B. Translate into English:
    لقد وهب الله مصر كثيراً من المصادر الطبيعية لو أحسن استغلالها لأصبحنا من أغنى الدول .
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    25- Egypt has always been the first country in the Nile basin to seek taming the longest river in the world in order to achieve the utmost benefit for the sake of the Egyptians. As a result, Egypt had a futuristic view towards making use of any waste of water.
    B. Translate into English:
    إن مشكلة الانفجار السكاني من أهم المشكلات التي تواجه الدول النامية هذه الآونة.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    26- The Ministry of culture cares about child libraries to develop the abilities of the Egyptian children to create in all fields.
    B. Translate into English:
    أصبحت القاهرة احدي أكثر الدن اكتظاظا بالسكان في العالم و يؤدي هذا إلى تعقيد مشاكل الإسكان و النظافة و الخدمات العامة.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    27- Egypt possesses 70% of the world monuments, so the state plans well in the field of tourism to attract the biggest number of world tourists to increase our national income.
    B. Translate into English:
    إن تدخل علم الجينات في الزراعة من الممكن أن يؤثر على نوعية الطعام الذي نأكله.

    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    28- Reading broadens minds while sitting on your chair; you can visit all the countries all over the world gaining their different culture.
    B. Translate into English:
    إن تحديد النسل و تنظيم الأسرة يؤدي إلى رفع مستوي المعيشة ووضع حد لمشاكلنا الحالية.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    29- Learners of foreign languages need dictionaries that contain words used in the language they want to learn.
    B. Translate into English:
    مصر هي مهد الحضارة و ستظل للابد منارة للعلم والعلماء. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    30- The Egyptian satellite (Nile Sat) helps to transmit T.V programmes to the Arab World and parts of Europe.
    B. Translate into English:
    حياة الريف أنقى كثيرا من حياة المدينة لما يتمتع به الريف من مناظر طبيعية خلابة و هواء نقي.

    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    31- People nowadays need to understand that learning must be lifelong. This is necessary because the world of work is changing very fast. To remain employable, people must always look ahead and learn new knowledge and skills.
    ……….………………………………………………………………… B. Translate into English:
    من المفيد أن يكون لك هدف في الحياة،وعليك أولا أن تقرر/تحدد هدفك ثم تفكر كيف يمكنك تحقيق هذا الهدف.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    32- Health is a splendid blessing that completes our happiness. It's worthy saying that we can't really enjoy our life if we are unhealthy. Healthy people are always proud of what they can achieve in the fields of sports and hard work. For an unhealthy person life is no more pain and suffering.
    B. Translate into English:
    إن الديمقراطية هي الوسيلة الوحيدة التي تحافظ على مصالح المواطنين.

    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    33- About a third of the Earth's resources has been used in the past 25 years. Our hunger for land, wood and water is growing. This means that the future of life itself is in danger.
    B. Translate into English:
    الحرية هي اثمن شيء في حياتنا ويجب الحفاظ عليها.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    34- Education for all. All three means both men and women, the old and the young, the rich and the poor and the educated and the uneducated in both rural and urban communities. Everyone needs education suitable for the age, its changes and its requirements so that they may contribute to education and benefit from it throughout their lives.
    B. Translate into English:
    إن النهضة التكنولوجية الحديثة سوف تغير وجه العالم في القرن الحادي والعشرين.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    35- The Arab people in Egypt were always at the forefront of world powers believing in peace both as an aim to be sought and as a path to be taken. The Egyptian people never for a moment hesitated to sacrifice their lives for the sake of a just and comprehensive peace.
    B. Translate into English:
    لم تعد الأجهزة الحديثة ترفا، بل هي ضرورة ملحة لكل بيت الآن.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    36- The secret marriage has become a dangerous phenomenon that threatens the structure of the Egyptian society.
    B. Translate into English:
    يجب أن نستغل مصادرنا الطبيعية للنهوض باقتصادنا القومي المصري.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    37- We should give interest to the teacher that is considered the foundation stone of any social change. More attention should be given to his financial status.
    B. Translate into English:
    يسافر شبابنا للخارج لاكتساب الخبرة و المعرفة و المعلومات التي تفيدهم في مستقبلهم.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    38- The computer is considered one of the greatest creations of man’s mind. Its influence has extended to every branch of human knowledge.
    B. Translate into English:
    لا تزال أثارنا القديمة من أهم العوامل التي تجذب السائحين.و لذلك يجب الاعتناء بها و الحفاظ عليها.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    39- The problem of food shortage threatens today’s world especially in the third world so efforts should be done to solve this problem.
    …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………B. Translate into English:
    لو قام كل مواطن بأداء واجباته سيمكننا تحقيق الازدهار و الرفاهية لبلدنا.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    40- Do you think that there is a contradiction between globalization and national identity?
    ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… B. Translate into English:
    العولمة سلاح ذو حدين, فهي تجعلنا نساير التغيرات العالمية السريعة, و لكنها مع ذلك لا تخدم إلا الدول الكبرى التي تحاول فرض السيطرة على الدول الأخرى.
    4-A. Translate into Arabic:
    41- All of Muslims and Christians are united in loving our dear country Egypt and work for her prosperity / welfare.
    ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… B. Translate into English:
    يعتبر الإدمان من مشاكل الشباب الرئيسية التي تعوق تقدم الأمم.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    42- It’s very useful to have a goal in your life. You have to know your goal before achieving it.
    B. Translate into English:
    تقوم الدول بمشروعات عملاقة لحل مشكلة البطالة.
    -A. Translate into Arabic:
    43- Professor Zewail being awarded The Nobel Prize in chemistry is the pride of all Egyptians and Arabs.
    ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… B. Translate into English:
    إن تحديد النسل و تنظيم الأسرة يؤدي إلى رفع مستوي المعيشة ووضع حد لمشاكلنا الحالية.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الجمعة مايو 17, 2024 3:40 am